Modeling electromagnetics on cylindrical meshes with applications to steel-cased wells

(a) Current along a well for 5 different wellbore lengths. The x-axis is depth normalized by the length of the well. The black dashed line shows the short-well approximation (equation 45 in ) for a 200m long well. The black dash-dot line shows the long-well approximation (equation 53 in ) for a 4000m well. (b) Charge per unit length along the well for 5 different wellbore lengths.

Figure 6:(a) Current along a well for 5 different wellbore lengths. The x-axis is depth normalized by the length of the well. The black dashed line shows the short-well approximation (equation 45 in Kaufman & Wightman (1993)) for a 200m long well. The black dash-dot line shows the long-well approximation (equation 53 in Kaufman & Wightman (1993)) for a 4000m well. (b) Charge per unit length along the well for 5 different wellbore lengths.

  1. Kaufman, A. A., & Wightman, E. W. (1993). A transmission-line model for electrical logging through casing. Geophysics, 58(12), 1739. 10.1190/1.1443388